





 1、Missing someone and not being able to see them is the worst feeling ever. 想念一个人而又见不到是最难受的。

2、Nothing could stop me dreaming the beautiful life. ---没有什么能阻挡,我对美好生活的向往!

3、No one actually grows up. We just grow old. 没有人能真正长大,我们只是在变老而已。

4、Sorry, I do not love you.对不起,我装不出你爱的模样

5、Everything will get better, what you should do is to believe that. 一切都会好转的,你要做的就是相信。

6、I would rather be fat in a delicate way than be slim like everyone else.宁可胖的精致,也不要瘦的雷同。

7、My life isn’t perfect, but it does have perfect moments. 我的人生不完美,但人生中有完美时刻

8、You may be out of my sight, but never be out of my mind. 你也许已走出我的视线,但从未走出我的思念。

9、How deep feeling of a lie-多么深情的一句谎话。

10、The net closely but buckle not forever. 十指紧扣却扣不住天长地久

11、I‘m stuck between trying to live my life, and trying to run from it. 陷在努力生活和逃避生活之间,动弹不得。

12、You will always have a special place in my heart.在我心里你永远有个特别的位置。

13、Everyone has a story left untold, so never start judging someone. 每个人都有不为人知的故事,不要轻易对别人品头论足。

14、Laugh as much as you breathe and love as long as you live. 笑得和呼吸一样多,爱得像活得一样久。

15、The top of the head interlocks, but the antenna, is dividing the unclear not dark sky.头顶交错而过的天线,分割着不明不暗的天空。

16、每当困难的时候我就念藏经:“噢嘛呢哞嘛哄", 翻译成英文就是:All money go my home!

17、Lazy will kill me sooner or later懒惰迟早会害死我的

18、Never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life. 不要因为忙于谋生,而忘了生活。

19、Heartless laugh, was the best thing that I have.没心没肺的笑,是我拥有的最美好的东西。


20、Thank fate that I met with you. [感谢缘分让我和你相识过.]

21、It is only because I love you would I yell at you.喜欢你,才闹你。

22、I just watched a dull movie and called it a night early. 我看了一部没劲的影片,然后就睡了。

23、Friendly is accomplishment Alone is character. 待人友善是修养,独来独往是性格。

24、Too many stories have no results. 拥有太多故事却都没有后来。

25、Do not give me any of your heart别在给我任何对你的心动

26、Eternity is not a distance.永远不是一种距离。

27、No matter how beautiful the memory is, it just belongs to the past.回忆再美好,也只是曾经。

28、Holidays with my relatives tend to be boring.和我的亲戚在一起度过假期是很无聊的事情。

29、To me,the past is black and white,but the future is always color. 对我而言,过去平淡无奇;而未来,却是绚烂缤纷。

30、Concern for others, is actually care about yourself.

31、To believe , each day the sun will not live up to their own smile. 要坚信,每一天的阳光都不会辜负自己的笑容。

32、Everyone have injury, it is used to collapse. [每个人心中都有道伤,那是天曾经塌下的地方]

33、A girl should be like a butterfly. Pretty to see, hard to catch. 女生应该像蝴蝶一样,看着很美,却难以捕捉。

34、The strongest man in the world is the man who stands alone. 这世界上最强大的人,就是那些能一个人孤单生活的人。

35、The secret of success is constancy to purpose.

36、安慰别人的话,终究安慰不了自己。-------Comforting others, can comfort yourself.

37、Very need you, just like the dandelion need the breeze.很需要你,就像蒲公英需要微风。

38、i miss u but i miss u 我想你但是我错过了你


39、Miss and you never get it back. 错过的就再也找不回来了。

40、My heart already have; no matter how good I do not want to. 我心里已经有了你;再好的我都不想要。

41、You are the moon, with no reality whatever你是月光虚无缥缈

42、Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud. 试着做某人天空里的那抹彩虹。

43、Pain makes people change. 痛了,人就变了。

44、You sais forever are where. 你说的永远在哪里

45、Why should I wait for you凭什么要我等你

46、Time always too long, long to palpitate. 岁月总是太长,长到心慌

47、Love is hard to get into, but harder to get out of. ---没有你的日子就像一本没有书页的书。

48、Explained so much, but it’s like I am blaming that you don’t understand. 解释得太多就像我在怪你不懂我。

49、If you want a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things. 如果你想过得快乐,把生活跟目标联系在一起,而不是跟某个人或某些事。

50、I like you, but I dare not say 我喜欢你,但我不敢说

51、Let me have been always love you 让我一直一直爱你

52、The best way to make profound memory, trying to forget.

53、You are the sunshine that makes my day. 你就是让我快乐的阳光。

54、Anyway...Life goes on. 无论如何,生活还在继续

55、# The most distent way in the world .世界上最遥远的距离

56、Where to go when l ok{去哪都拉紧我好不好}

57、A Friend In Need Is A Friend Indeed [患难之交才是真真的朋友]

58、My Beautiful Laundrette 年少轻狂

59、You are I can not get rid of the shadow你是我摆脱不了的影子


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